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Home Hygiene & Infection Control Bins and Waste Control Biohazard and Sharps Disposal

Biohazard and Sharps Disposal

Sharps Disposal Bins
Sharps Disposal Bins

Secure bins for disposing of all types of sharps

Body Fluid and Spill Response Points & Cabinets
Body Fluid and Spill Response Points & Cabinets

Provide quick access to essential spill kits and biohazard control supplies, ensuring safe and compliant spill management

Sick Bags
Sick Bags

Sick bags are ideal for first aid kits & long journeys

Absorbent Powders and Granules
Absorbent Powders and Granules

Cost effective solution to clear body fluid & biohazard spills

Waste Bags
Waste Bags

Laundry bags, regular waste & biohazardous disposal bags

Controlled Drug Denaturing Kits
Controlled Drug Denaturing Kits

A range of kits for the safe and secure disposal of controlled drugs

Spill Kit Restock Bundle
Spill Kit Restock Bundle

Comprehensive spill response bundle provides everything needed for quick and safe body fluid clean-up

Standard Body Fluid Disposal Kits
Standard Body Fluid Disposal Kits

Safely contain and dispose of a variety of body fluid spills

Plastic Scoop & Scraper
Plastic Scoop & Scraper

The perfect accessory to go with our Absorbent Powders and Granules

Body Fluid Disposal Kits
Body Fluid Disposal Kits

Contains everything you need to clean up in one simple pack

Sharps Disposal Kits
Sharps Disposal Kits

Safely remove, contain and dispose of discarded syringes and needles

Clinell Spill Wipe
Clinell Spill Wipe

Replacing traditional chlorine-based spill kits which are time consuming and hazardous to use with this quick all-in-one spill wipe

Urine and Vomit Spill Pack
Urine and Vomit Spill Pack

Super absorbent and hygienic method of cleaning up body fluid spills

Blood Spill Pack
Blood Spill Pack

Safe clean up and disinfection of areas where blood spillages have taken place


Products suitable for the safe cleanup and disposal of biohazardous materials. Sick bags are ideal for adding to first aid kits or taking on day trips, Absorbent Powders and Granules allow for quick and easy cleanup and kits ensure you have all you need incase of any emergencies.