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Home Bleed, Trauma & Mass Casualty Response Bleed Control/Trauma Dressings & Bandages Chito-Sam 100 Haemostatic Dressing

Chito-Sam 100 Haemostatic Dressing

As Low As £14.35

Chito-Sam 100 Haemostatic Dressing

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As Low As £14.35

High performance haemostatic dressing to control severe bleeding in conjunction with a pressure bandage or tourniquet

  • Provide immediate response to stop severe bleeding
  • Stabilise a casualty to temporarily stop heavy blood loss before professional medical treatment can be given
  • Tear anywhere packaging design allows for quick access
  • Works independently from the body’s normal clotting processes
  • Easy to use by untrained individuals
  • Ample coverage for external abrasions and lacerations - 10cm x 10cm size dressing
  • The Health and Safety Executive state, following a risk assessment: “First aid provision must be 'adequate and appropriate in the circumstances'. This means that you must provide sufficient first aid equipment (first aid kit), facilities and personnel at all times”

Workplaces, premises, facilities or sites with any hazards such as machinery, equipment, sharp or moving objects which could cause critical injuries such as major bleeding must have first aid provision to treat them. The simple and small investment of adding bleed control products to existing first aid provisions helps bridge the ‘care gap’ and could save lives.

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AEC8548 - Chito-Sam 100 Haemostatic Dressing

Description Chito-Sam 100 Haemostatic Dressing
Pack Qty 1 x Dressing
1 - 4 £15.95
5+ £14.35
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